The Aries Ingress Chart

What are Aries Ingress Charts?

One of the older and most powerful forecasting features by ancient astrologers for mundane astrology (the astrology of the world at large) was the use of the Aries Ingress chart, that chart which is cast for the moment that the Sun returns to 0° Aries, set at the capital city for a given country.
In this article I will be examining the Aries Ingress chart and the other relevant charts that we can use for focusing on the events and mood of the UK though 2017 into early 2018.

Aries Ingress, London

2017 Aries Ingress chart, London
(click to expand)

Highlighting a couple of features from the chart itself, we immediately see Venus at the top of the chart, angular on the equal 10th house cusp, but in her detriment in Aries and retrograding back to combustion. Saturn and the Moon are conjunct, both lacking any major dignity, in the 6th house with the Moon shortly perfecting her partile conjunction with Saturn and moving out of Sagittarius into Capricorn, the sign of her detriment, before bringing her light to the square of the Sun. Mars, the dispositor of our angular Venus, and of the Sun itself, is found in detriment in Taurus right on the equal 11th house cusp and makes no aspects to any other planet in the chart - that is, it's totally unconnected to the other planets in the chart (Noël Tyl refers to unaspected planets as peregrine, a term better understood as a planet lacking any essential dignity instead). This connotation of wildness or ferality stems from the fact that the planet is alone, unconnected to the civilisation which might come via aspects to other planets in the chart and seems to suggest a sense of volatility and of being a loose cannon. That Mars is in its detriment here would suggest that the essential quality of Mars stems away from its typical or orthodox expression and typically, in mundane horoscopes, could indicate a connotation of lack of restraint, a more violent or disruptive quality and increase of collateral damage. Coupled with its ferality there is a sense that 2017 will bring with it an increase of agression, 'lone-wolf' attacks, greater violence, sudden attacks or outbreaks of fire, a poorly restrained military, as well as an increaes of the petty manifestations of this quality through increased or more problematic insect bits or cuts or burns. 

Venus herself is in poor condition though accidentally elevated being on the equal house tenth (the highest point of the chart). In mundane charts, the government or monarch or leader is signified by the 10th house and the Sun. Here we have the ruler of the equal 10th as Mars, with both the Sun, and Venus, right on the 10th cusp, disposited by Mars and so it would seem that 2017 would strongly have these unrestrained and aggressive Martian themes front and centre, as well as a weakened government or a sense of in-fighting or a coup or mutiny within government. With the leader of the country represented by Venus our thoughts turn quickly to Theresa May, the prime minister and questions about her strength as leader will likely arise.

We might expect then, from the Aries Ingress, an increase of fires, violence, attacks, heat, inflammation, infection and disruption and a sense of anger within the country. We can also expect the leadership of the country to be weakened and to come under scrutiny and with Theresa May facing dissent or mutiny within her own party and a greater need for, and likely failure to provide, greater diplomacy.

Cancer Ingress, London

2017 Caner Ingress chart, London
(click to expand)

The traditional use of the Aries Ingress is that the quality of the year in general is typically seen by this chart, however, should the Ascendant fall in a cardinal sign (those signs which are quick in their actions), then the chart is considered 'valid' only until the next cardinal ingress, in this case the Cancer Ingress. Whilst the traditional view is that the Aries Ingress chart is thus abandoned after three months in favour of the Cancer Ingress chart, my own preference is to imagine a shift of focus instead, where the Aries Ingress chart still helps establish the context and significance of the year, but with the Cancer Ingress chart redefining that focus for its period.

In the case of the UK Cancer Ingress chart we see immediately that Mars, now no longer feral, is still a prominent figure in the chart being conjunct the ascendant and in its fall in Cancer. The Moon is now conjoined with Venus and trine Pluto in the 7th. Mars again ruling the 10th and again bringing a disruptive influence to bear.

Mars, and the associated themes which began in the Aries Ingress Chart, continue therefore for the Cancer Ingress chart and retains a significance of unexpected or violent attack, fire, anger and with Mars again ruling the 10th, this division retains a quality of divisiveness within government. These themes of divisiveness in government and with the government leadership is doubly reinforced when we consider the 1801 UK chart, in which the ascendant of the Cancer Ingress is brought to the 1801 10th house, with Mars now on the 1801 MC and in opposition to the Sun.

UK 1801 Chart
(click to expand)

Difficulties in government and perhaps even constitutional difficulties could arise for the United Kingdom as a whole, but in particular it seems inevitable for the leadership and for the current government.

The Solar Ecipse of August 2017


In August 2017 there will be total solar whose path of totality will essentially spread through the USA and be much more compelling and pressing for the US than anywhere else. However, whilst the conventional wisdom is that only for those places at which the eclipse is visible will be affected, contemporaneously with this eclipse will be the re-emergence of Mars after it completes is solar cycle. Just prior to the eclipse, Mars, the planet showing up with such destruction and violence in our Ingress charts, will enter combustion in which it will no longer be visible. Planets, when they enter combustion begin a process of being burnt up by the Sun and stripped of impurities and ultimately the planet dies within the Sun's brilliance only to emerge anew, like an infant, some time later. This emergence was known as a 'phasis' or dramatic appearance and occurs at this time when a planet emergences from combustion, or, heliacally rises. The planet is considered to be weakened but bringing with potential. The unusual feature of this chart is that the brilliance of the Sun itself is actually eclipsed at the same moment, effectively revealing the new born Mars at the same time as the eclipse. Because Mars has been so prominent in the UK charts, I suspect that this eclipse, although not visible from the UK, will nevertheless be impactful for the UK as well as the US. With Mars once again ruling the 10th I suspect that this may either lend itself to some attack or else renewed division within government, possibly indicating a new government leader or some renewed division or strife within the current government.